Bird Banding in Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area

Fields Trips
Sep 09, 2024 6:00 am - 1:30 pm


Time: 6 AM - 10 AM or 1:30 PM

Contact: John Middleton, 801-707-9182


Map: Carpool meeting

Red Butte is off-limits to the public, but we have the opportunity to observe a University of Utah bird banding team. 

Note: Carpooling required, rough road, high-clearance vehicle required if you drive. No restrooms, cell service or facilities. Bring water, snacks, warm layers, waterproof boots, and a camp chair if you need to sit. There is rough, muddy walking to the mist nets, but people can stay at the banding station. Participants must enter and leave the canyon with the research team as the gate is locked. Those who wish to leave earlier can go at 10:00; others can stay to 1:30.

We will meet on Colorow Road in Research Park (see map) to carpool up the canyon.

Please note we may take some photographs of this event. Your image may be used in connection with promotion of GSLA's programs and events.