Christmas Bird Count

Regular Events
Dec 19, 2020 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
Heather Dove


2020 SALT LAKE CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT By Ian Batterman, Field Trip Coordinator, GSLA

Due to the current situation with public events during the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is going to be run a little differently. We will still have the Salt Lake count on Saturday, December 19, and we will still maintain the different count sectors. However, we will not have the large groups common in previous years and we will observe proper social distancing to help keep our counters safe.

The number of people per count sector will be determined by the sector leader, so if you are a regular to the Salt Lake CBC, contact your leader to see how he or she is going to split up the count sector. Remember to bring masks and be prepared to count a specific area alone or with only a few other people.

If you are at all uncomfortable with counting in-person, and if you live within the count circle area, you may always count the birds in your yard on count day.

We will not have an in-person potluck this year. If you are a participant, keep an eye on your email for a recap of the count day. There could be a Zoom recap if people are interested.

If you have any questions or would like to participate in this year’s Salt Lake CBC, email the Field Trip Coordinator, Ian Batterman, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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